The Western Kingdom, led by three equal monarchs, sprawls between two mountain ranges. Despite its dark past, it is a beacon of hope for many. At least, Kiria is willing to sacrifice everything to make it so.
Holding the pass between the Western Kingdom and the desert regions beyond, Charakhnem is a strategically crucial nation. Its golden eagle symbol and tradition of preserving the names of its citizens are some of the hallmarks of its culture.
Technically the capital city of Phlaxtin, Enderin boasts wild coastline and a hardy people. Though split into restrictive castes, its citizens are some of the greatest artisans in the world.
The island of Torith, teeming with jungle life, has known an oppressive history because of its strategic location in the Kheltor. Recently, a band of mercenaries have ravaged the area and created a base on the eastern coast.
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